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After getting your hands on a Waifu via opening a box, or buying one in the market place, you are now able to play our game!

Waifu Attributes​

Each waifu has a set of attributes that will determine the overall status of your cute anime girl.


This attribute is rolled initially when opening a box, and will never change. It affects how much, in tokens, that you will receive after doing some action with your waifu. These attribute can be Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

Emotional Attributes​

Every waifu has 4 emotional attributes, that are used to determine your relationship with each of your waifus. Each of these attributes are informative of one area of you relationship with you waifu.


Dictates how happy your waifu is. Unhappy waifus are more prone of not giving you good rewards, while hippier waifus are more prone of giving you better rewards. To increase this attribute, simply engage in activities with your waifu regularly!


This attribute indicates your friendship with your waifu. Having 50 friendship with your waifu enables you to Pet your waifu.


This attribute indicates the affection your waifu has for you, you are more likely to increase this attribute with the Pet and Date actions. Having 50 affection enables your to begin dating your waifu!


This attribute is mainly increased by Dating your waifu, and indicates the love your waifu feels for you! After 100 love you will be able to level up your waifu!


A waifu rank, always starts at 1 star and can be leveled up to 5 stars. In this process, a waifu will give more and more rewards for each action.

For leveling up a waifu's rank, you must first maximize her "Love" attribute, and then, you will unlock the option to reveal more and more of your waifu's true potential. After leveling up, all the emotional attributes of the waifu will go back to 0, except happiness.

Leveling up a waifu will overjoy your cute girl's heart. Doing so will cost you some NYAA and reduce a bit of your waifu's happiness. Leveling up a common waifu will cost significantly less than leveling a legendary waifu, as shown on the table bellow.

Level 1->2NYAA 0.28NYAA 0.78NYAA 1.05NYAA 1.16NYAA 3.84
Level 2->3NYAA 0.32NYAA 1.00NYAA 1.54NYAA 2.07NYAA 8.14
Level 3->4NYAA 0.37NYAA 1.27NYAA 2.25NYAA 3.69NYAA 17.25
Level 4->5NYAA 0.43NYAA 1.61NYAA 3.29NYAA 6.59NYAA 36.56

Also, leveling up a waifu has a success chance, because doing so may break up her heart, as she will think that you don't find her fitting enough. This, however, can be mitigated by the use of items. The respective fail chances for each level are shown bellow.

LevelSuccess %
Level 1->275.00%
Level 2->350.00%
Level 3->425.00%
Level 4->510.00%


A waifu can have varying traits, from being an Idol to being a Yandere. All these traits are generated randomly when a box is opened and can be altered via items. These traits affect the waifu leveling, as a trait influences directly on the amount of Friendship, Affection and Love you build up with your waifu.

Farming for Tokens​

Farming for tokens in our platform is pretty easy, and is done mainly through three actions. Talking, Petting and Dating your waifu!


Talking with your waifu can be done at the moment she's out of the box! ...literally...

This action yields the least rewards, but can be done in quick-succession when compared to the other actions.

The talk action was elaborated to give the felling of visual novels, so that the player could really become engaged and know their waifu's tastes and preferences.

To talk to your waifu, you first need to know her. So... When engaging in a conversation you'll get the options to listen what your waifu has to say, or, to actively talk to her.

When listening to her, you'll get phrases like "The other day I went to a really good ramen shop with my grandpa!", which indicates your waifu likes both her grandpa and ramen.

When talking actively with your waifu. You'll be prompted a multi-option question about your tastes, like "What do you think about ramen?". Responding accordingly to your waifu's taste will give you both rewards and relationship points that will be important in leveling up your waifu and to allow the player to do other actions.


Petting your waifu is a more elaborate action, and can be done at the point your waifu achieves 50 friendship points. This action is comprised of a mini-puzzle game in which the player is trying to pet her waifu by trying to fit affection pieces in a board.

The game should be difficult for players that do not have a stable relationship with their waifu, but, the easiest to do for those who spent well their time with their anime girl.

This action yields medium amounts of rewards and has a cooldown of 2h.


Dating your waifu is the most elaborate action of this game, and is enabled once you've achieved 50 affection points.

To date your waifu, you first need to schedule a date with her. To do so, you need to set a time and date in which you are not in another date. While dating, you'll play a game inspired in the "Tokaido" game board.

During the gameplay, a player will be able to traverse through the city in "history" chunks that are generate for every 2h of date planned. Those history are composed by slots in which the player can land and interact with. Those slots can be pre-occupied by other people, but we balanced it in a way to make the game still fair.

When interacting with a slot, the player will accumulated points, which in turn are computed towards the game total score, yielding the correct amounts of rewards in the end. Those history slots are things like "going to the cinema", "buying your waifu a present", and others.

This action yields the maximum amount of rewards, but it's the most time consuming to setup.

Breaking up​

At any given moment in time, you may break up with your waifu via clicking on her profile, and clicking the break up button to get some NYAA back. But we highly advise against it if you're unsure, because she'll never come back ever again.